Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Dirty Dozen

 I have been looking forward to writing this post for awhile now. Mainly because I LOVE the way the title just rolls off the lips. When I first heard about the list I may have even giggled a bit… Apparently, it’s the little things in life that make me happy or I am just weird…. The jury is still out on that one. A few months back the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy nonprofit, released their annual list of the top 12 fruits and veggies most contaminated by pesticides better known as “The Dirty Dozen”.
Without further ado:
1.       Apples
2.       Celery
3.       Strawberries
4.       Peaches
5.       Spinach
6.       Nectarines (imported)
7.       Grapes (imported)
8.       Sweet Bell Peppers
9.       Potatoes
10.   Blueberries
11.   Kale
12.   Collard Greens
After being properly washed and prepared to EAT, some of the above Dirty Dozen members (how many times in one post can I squeeze in that name) had as many as 50 FREAKING pesticides on them!!!! Holy Moly! Not sure about you but I don’t think that chemicals were make to be eaten…We baby proof that cupboard for a reason!!!!
If you are anything like me and felt like you needed a shower after reading this, then let me refresh you by introducing you to the CLEAN 15! Unlike most of their dirty counterparts, many of the fruits and veggies on this list have thick skins or face fewer threats and need less pesticides as a general rule.
1.       Onion
2.       Sweet Corn
3.       Avocado
4.       Pineapple
5.       Mango
6.       Asparagus
7.       Sweet Peas
8.       Kiwi
9.       Cabbage
10.   Eggplant
11.   Papaya
12.   Watermelon
13.   Broccoli
14.   Tomato
15.   Sweet Potato
According to the EWP "Picking five servings of fruits and vegetables from the 12 most contaminated would cause you to consume an average of 14 different pesticides a day," But they also say that by picking the same number of servings of fruits and veggies from team Clean 15 you will slash the volume of pesticides by 90%! If only I can find a sale at the mall with that kind of savings!!! This list is not to say that the dirty produce is bad and the clean is good.  I look at this list as a helpful shopping guide. Times are tough out there and we all can’t afford to buy EVERYTHING organic. If you can only purchase a few things organic then put your money where it is most needed or... 
better yet grow your own if possible.

For more tips and info regarding both of the lists check out The Daily Green

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