Monday, March 19, 2012

Up for a challenge???

Last month in a quest to find new and healthy recipes to try, I stumbled across THIS blog. I quickly became addicted to it! The premise is simple; only eat real food. That sounds so obvious and easy. If not eating real food, that what exactly are you eating???? Truthfully, you probably don’t want to know, but you should…you need to.  Lisa and her family were a lot like most typical American families. They ate whatever they felt like eating without knowledge that they were doing anything wrong. After reading a Michael Pollan book she decided that her eating habits needed an overhaul. After getting her husband on board, her blog was born: 100 days of real food. Here, she documents where her and her family go 100 days with only eating real food. Nothing processed. Nothing added. I was kinda mesmerized. OK I maybe even developed what some may call a girl crush! Every extra minute of every day for the next few days I would go back to her site. I basically read every page and some more than once.  I decided that I would take her 10 day real food challenge. I asked Ry if he wanted to give it a try with me….and he said YES!?!??! I was not expecting this in the slightest. Now I had the pressure to make everything go as smoothly as possible. I had 10 days to show him that it would be EASY to completely change our eating habits and our life for that matter. The challenge was just as much about me becoming a salesman as it was about eating real food. I knew I could do it, but could he??? We made the decision on Saturday and by Sunday night our cupboards were cleared of the bad and replaced with the good. A few things we weren’t ready to throw away or give up completely, so we boxed them up and put them in the guest room closet. We made (by we, I mean me) whole grain waffles, whole wheat tortillas, homemade refried beans and even made blood orange sherbet. Stocked the fridge with organic cheeses, lots of produce and humanly raised meats and eggs.  We officially began the Challenge on a Monday. The 10 days went by fairly quickly with neither of us truly missing or wanting anything that we were not able to have.  Surprise Surprise at the end of the challenge neither of us ran to get the taboo items out of the closet and 90% of it ended up in the trash once we did. In the end we decided that I will not buy or bring into our home processed junk.  When we are out or invited in to someones home it is harder to control, so we can eat it if we want. For our family this is a big step in the right direction. If you know my husband then you know that 10 years ago the list of foods he would eat was MUCH MUCH smaller than the list of foods he would not. It’s amazing to me that the same person who would not touch lettuce now sometimes craves salad and when we are deciding on where to eat for dinner, he Googles if the restaurant uses pink slim. The moral of the story is: if he can not only complete the 10 day challenge but see the benefit then I know that ANY one can!!

I thoroughly recommend everyone check out Lisa and her family’s site and try the 10 day challenge. Even if you do not change your lifestyle after, it will open your eyes to the food or lack thereof, you are truly eating.
It’s not hard, it’s just new

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