Monday, February 11, 2013

More than a Hallmark Holiday


A local Hallmark store in our area is going out of business. 
 The Sign read the entire store is 50-75% off!!! There was no way I could pass up the bargain. Once inside I realized that ALMOST everything was on sale. They were not going to discount their “claim to fame” trademark day, which just happens to be my most favorite holiday of the year…Valentine’s Day! I Love it more than Christmas and I look forward to it more than My Birthday. I didn't mind too much because in our house there are no expectations of Fancy gifts, $5 cards, or where we can get the best reservation. This is a day of LOVE and true love doesn't require any of those things. It is simply showing the ones you value most in this crazy world that you care. It’s about saying thank you to the ones that love you, as much as you do them.  I feel the best way to do this is by giving yourself. That can mean a lot of things to a lot of people but to me it’s just taking in the moments and appreciating the small acts of sweetness. That could be leaving a few homemade cupcakes on the doorstep of a friend, making heart shaped everything for your child's lunch box or leaving a love note on your husbands bathroom mirror. Valentine’s Day is turning your phone and the TV off. It’s making dinner TOGETHER and lingering over dessert. Dance parties in the kitchen and opening hand-made cards. It doesn't hurt that it’s the only time of year that it is perfectly acceptable to drench my house in all things PINK!!!!

Last January we took a cooking class together and we had so much fun that we decided that we would start a new Valentine’s Day tradition. We are going to recreate that meal and experience every year. There is no need to drive to the hood of LA and drink wine in our car while praying the cooking studio would open before we were dead. This is Simple enough that it’s not daunting for the handsome guy making a special appearance in your kitchen. Adding sparkling wine to the night makes it even more fun! 

Mocha Rubbed Steak
Equal amounts fine ground coffee (I use espresso) and cocoa powder – about 2 tbsp each
Salt and pepper your favorite cut of steak
Dredge in the mocha mixture
Then cook. Technique and timing will depend on cut and thickness but I generally like to use a grill pan or cast iron. Sear on both sides on high heat and then finish in the oven for a few minutes. But however you cook your steak is fine. Just let it rest for a few mins before you slice it.

Potatoes Au Gratin
(served in tiny personal heart shaped ramekins of course)

Thinly slice a potato and sprinkle with salt and pepper-a mandolin makes easy work of this
Grate ¼ cup of your favorite cheese monterey Jack and cheddar work well and so do gouda and parm
Layer starting with potatoes and ending with cheese in a dish that is been buttered or sprayed with olive oil.
Pour a little half and half over the layered potatoes until you reach about 3/4’s of the way up the dish. For me this was about 2-3 Tbsp
Top with a tiny amount of freshly grated nutmeg (optional)
Bake @ 400 until golden brown and cooked through about 15-20 mins

This year instead of the normal roasted corn and kale chowder (very tasty and has no cream! will make and post soon) and red velvet brownies I think I want to mix it up and try a wedge salad I saw Giada make this weekend.  We will probably follow dinner with a healthy rift on flourless chocolate cake. As soon as I test the recipe I will post the link if its good. If it fails...we will just drink more sparkling wine :) 

Happy Love Day!!!

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