Friday, March 1, 2013

Green Eggs No Ham

I don't understand how today is Friday?!?! Apparently, this week really got away from me and I am still confused on where the time went! I guess it can be expected when your Sister-in-law, Stepdad, and Husband all have their birthdays in the same week....Holy Moly! Anyway to make a long story short this post was supposed to go up on Monday. It obviously didn't. See above. I guess you wouldn't have known that though if I didn't rat myself out?? Oh well.

Getting kids to eat more veggies can sometimes be tricky. Heck, getting adults to eat more veggies can sometimes be tricky. I find that if you make it fun or crazy it tends to go more smoothly. (for the younger set) I have the feeling that if I handed my husband a "super cool Hulk green smoothie" its not going to get the same reaction as say....a 3yr old. Who knows? Maybe your guy is different....

After reading Green Eggs and Ham several dozen times I thought it was time to make some green eggs! I don't do food coloring but it only took me 1.2 seconds to come up with the perfect solution...Spinach! its so mild its almost flavorless! I cracked 2 eggs into the blender and added a handful of spinach and a splash of water. Blend Blend Blend until it is a unified color. The key is to not see any green specks. keep blending until it is solid green. a toddler isn't afraid to tell you that those aren't green eggs, just eggs with weird green specks! The more spinach you add the darker the color. I let the little guy I was watching help but maybe you just want to tell your kids you added green food coloring??? Choice is yours. these are tasty and they cook up so light and fluffy!

The only problem was he asked where his ham was...I didn't think that far ahead. Canadian bacon would be a great addition and would be a nice way to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday tomorrow!

The only OTHER problem was he asked if we could make blue eggs the next day!?!? If you have any ideas for that one, let me know. :)

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